Welcome to your practice for coloproctology

Our coloproctological specialist practice has been in operation for over 20 years. It was founded by Dr. Angelika Hartjen and is now run by Dr. Klaus-Peter Ullrich, Dr. Gabriela Popovich and Dr. Sandra Kowalsky.
We treat conditions of the colon, rectum, pelvic floor and anal sphincter. We offer thorough advice on patients’ problems and their medical condition.

The treatment includes an anal ultrasound scan and a test of anal sphincter function. Our therapeutic options range from conservative treatments to smaller outpatient operations as well as inpatient treatments. Furthermore, our team offers holistic medical care for the entire gastrointestinal tract like colonoscopy and gastroscopy in a friendly and respectful atmosphere.

Your practice team warmly welcomes you!



Our certifications and awards

Deutsche Kontinenz Gesellschaft

Bund der Coloproktologen Deutschland

Bundesverband für Ambulantes Operieren ev. BAO

BDC – Berufsverband der Deutschen Chirurgen e.V.

Focal Points of our Treatment

In our practice, patients with proctological problems are cared for and treated in accordance with most recent standards. We perform operations at Agaplesion Diakonieklinikum in Hamburg and Park-Klinik in Kiel. Problems regarding defaecation
and anal incontinence are treated with biofeedback and electrical stimulation. We perform gastroscopy and colonoscopy at Elisabethinum at Glockengießerwall.

Our Team

Dr. Klaus-Peter Ullrich

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Dr. Gabriela Popovich

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Dr. Sandra Kowalsky

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Praxis für Coloproktologie

Colonnaden 3, 20354 Hamburg